About Us
Once again, 2021 will see Asie à Tik delight the taste buds of its new customers in Brussels and La Louvière. The adventure is only just beginning...

Asie à Tik first opened in October 2016, in the Grands Prés gallery in Mons, Belgium, the result of the inspired vision of the Giarra and Meli families.
By then, Pino Giarra was already a popular and renowned figure in the restaurant industry, with over 20 years of experience. Before long, his three sons would join him on this adventure.
Love is at the heart of Asie à Tik. First of all, Francesco, the eldest son of the Giarra clan, brought in his wife Camille, who is of Korean origin. She was the one who introduced the whole family to Asian cuisine, in particular sushi. And that’s when they fell in love with another great idea.
They made the unanimous decision to open an Asian food bar & take away, in line with one of the finest Asian traditions. They chose the logo, decor, menu design and marketing material with meticulous care. Nothing was left to chance.
Two years later, they opened a second branch, in Les Bastions, Tournai. The public’s enthusiasm soon became apparent and the ‘fast food’ restaurant was constantly full. The Giarras were approached regularly by professionals in the sector asking them to open more Asie à Tik restaurants.

The enforced closure of restaurants due to the Covid crisis gave Francesco, Guillaume, Alex and their father the time they needed to hone their plans to create a franchise.
Consequently, 2021 will see Asie à Tik delight the taste buds of new customers in Brussels and La Louvière.
And this is just the start of the adventure…